
FDN Weight Loss Challenge - Week 4 Recap


grisselda・16 Feb 2013


I can’t believe it.  All of us have made this far.  Two more weeks, ladies and gentleman.  Yay for that!  The fourth week was all about cardio, I believe.  It was hard. There was nothing easy with the sessions.  We had to push ourselves to exceed our limits because subconsciously we put a limit on ourselves. Surprisingly, if we push a little bit harder, we can do more than we can ever imagine.

The most memorable Master Bootcamp session (so far) was last Tuesday.  The instructor brought one pack of playing cards, and you know there are four symbols, right? Heart, spade, diamond, and club.   Each symbol has a new meaning for all of us who joined  the sessions.  Heart means burpee, spade means jumping jack, diamond means push up, and club means squat.  Oh and we “played” with jokers, too.  Black joker means we had to do ten more reps and red joker means we can rest for 20 seconds.  We did almost 100 reps each of squats, push-ups, burpees, and jumping jacks.  We also had fun with SH’BAM session on Friday. We became more familiar with the movements and the songs are always up beat and fun. Sh’Bam is definitely one of my favorites. 🙂 (more…)