
Enchanting Bling in Brilliant Rose


Last week, I had a chance to attend the launching of Mondial Brilliant Rose.  Please do take a note, I previously didn’t know a single thing about diamond.  The only thing I knew is diamond = bling.  I think you can imagine, in 2 hours attending the event, my brain was loaded with A LOT of information.   So, here, I’m trying to put this information in this article as reader-friendly as possible.  Bear with me. 🙂

Mondial Jeweler is a well-known jeweler with their beautiful diamond collection. They have just introduced their new collection, Mondial Brilliant Rose, a modified round cut diamond.  I just found out that normally, a regular round cut diamond has a total of 58 facets.  Redefining the classic cut of round diamond, Mondial Brilliant Rose has 66 precision cut facets, more than a regular round diamond.  The 66-cuts facet maximizes the light reflection, which makes it simply MORE BLING.  It can be seen with naked eyes. Of course you can see more details under a diamond scope.

Each facet of the Mondial Brilliant Rose diamond is positioned precisely opposite another, so that a beam of light entering the stone from above hits the facet of the pavilion and travels through the centre of the stone hitting the opposite facet.  Then it bounces upwards, breaking through the crown in an explosion of  brilliance. Those reflections are what makes your diamond shine so brightly.





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