
Sweat Off Those Lebaran Treats


affi・22 Sep 2009


88135103At this time of the year, there is one situation that almost everyone is complaining about : the lack of help around the house because your domestic helpers go home to be with their family for Lebaran a.k.a mudik. Feeling helpless to see the mountain of dirty laundry? Thinking you will cry hysterically if you have to iron another pair of jeans? In a state of total denial and keep saying to yourself (and people in your house) that dishes don’t have to be completely cleaned? Sorry, I can’t help you with that 😀 But I can tell you that all those house chores don’t amount to nothing. You can actually use this chance to get that much-needed workout especially after consuming those delicious but oh-so-sinful Lebaran food!

Here are some activities that you are “forced” to do and the numbers of calories you burn by doing them:

Carpet sweeping/sweeping floors: 231 calories per hour

Mopping: 245 calories per hour (that’s almost an equivalent of 1 Grande Starbucks Latte with whole milk!)

Laundry (fold or hang clothes, put clothes in washer or wryer, packing suitcase: 140 calories per hour

Ironing: 161 calories per hour

Light Cleaning (dusting, straightening up, changing linen, carrying out trash): 175 calories per hour

Cooking or Food Preparation: 140 calories per hour

Carrying Small Children (aha!) : 210 calories per hour

Child care (bathing, grooming, feeding, etc) : 210 calories per hour (I thought my pants feel looser!)

Carrying Groceries Upstairs : 525 calories per hour (hayoo kita semua pergi ke Carrefour! :D)

source: caloriecount.about.com

I also use this time to bond and get closer with my husband and daughter. As much as I like having someone to help me with chores, I sometimes find it a bit hard to have some privacy so I am enjoying this time alone with my loved ones. After all, Lebaran is all about spending precious time with your family, right? You will go back to your daily business again next Monday and might not be able to enjoy such closeness again, so relish every second of it! 🙂

image from gettyimages.com