
New Year's Resolution - Are Your FITNFAB Goals SMART?


dindautami・01 Jan 2014


It is that time of the year where everyone is busy writing down their resolutions for next year. Among the number one list in New Year’s resolution is to lose weight or wanting to get fit.  This is why if you visit the gym at the beginning of the year; expect to queue for cardio machines or come 20 minutes early to save your spot at a yoga class. Unfortunately, this spirit is usually short-lived as people fail to achieve their goals as early as Valentine’s Day.

So what really went wrong? Many people create barriers for themselves by having a general goal. An example of a general goal is “I want to be fit”. Notice how lose is this goal. There are no specific details such as why do you want to be fit? How much weight or body fat that you want to lose? When is the target? What are the requirements and constraints for you to do so?

A good goal should be SMART, that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

1)      Specific: Example of a specific goal in wanting to be fit is “I want to have a lower body fat from 30% to 22% by 30 June 2014 so that I can fit in a size 6 dress. I will achieve this by exercising 3-4 times a week with a Personal Trainer at the nearest gym and follow a Paleo diet”. Note that by being specific you are more focus which subsequently increases your change in achieving that particular goal.

