
Getting Back in Shape: My Weight Issues, an Introduction.


pablohoney・11 Mar 2013


Since I was little, I have always struggled with my weight. I’m the chubbiest (and shortest) among my siblings. I got my first period when I was in 3rd grade, 8 years old, way earlier than my friends. At that time, I gained even more weight, my chest grew. Before I knew it, I was a giant among my friends. And the worst part was, I didn’t get any education about puberty at that time because, of course, it is uncommon for girls to hit puberty at such age. I didn’t realize how important this was until a few years later.


4-6th Grade; 52 kg

Fast forward to middle school. I was overly self-conscious with how I looked, embarrassed, especially with all the teasing and mean words from certain people. I would wear the largest t-shirts and baggy pants just to hide myself. I would cry and cry many times after school. There, unknowingly to my parents, I started to diet vigorously. I lost a lot of weight and became skinny at 45 kg. My friends started to compliment on how good I looked and I was no longer bullied. Clothes started to fit me and I gained my confidence slowly, although my body was suffering inside. I was hungry most of the time until I rarely felt the need to eat. (more…)