
Is the SK-II Stempower Your Key to Anti-Aging Care?

skin care

dhnshrtn・14 Oct 2014


What’s the appropriate age to start using anti-aging skin care?

Some people will tell you that it’s fine to hold off the anti-aging products until your late 30s, but there are others who will tell you that there’s no harm in slapping on the good stuff while you’re in your mid 20s.I wanted to sort it out once and for all at a media gathering to to celebrate the SK-II Stempower series, the brand’s star range of anti-aging products.

SK-II Stempower SeriesAnti-aging skin care is a sensitive and touchy topic enough as it is among women in their 40s and 50s, but it has become a hot topic for women in their 20s in the last decade too.

Febrina Herlambang of P&G Indonesia has a different take on it, and suggests that “…women in their late 20s should start using anti-aging products to delay the onset of premature signs of aging.” By investing in ant-aging skin care early on, the signs and effects of aging on skin will be less prominent later on in life.

Febrina goes on to say that a good way to determine whether or not you need anti-aging products is by getting a skin consultation and check-up at an SK-II counter. Take advantage of the Magic Ring device, which I tried out when I went for a facial with SK-II some months ago. The device measures your skin based on five parameters (Texture Refinement, Firmness Power, Wrinkle Resilience, Spot Control, and Radiance Enhancemen) and determines your skin’s real age — so you can be 30 years old but have the skin of an 18-year-old thanks to a good skin care regimen, and vice versa.

If the device lets you know that your skin is older than you are, then it might be time to consider products that effectively fight wrinkles and fine lines, like Stempower series.

Susan B sedang skin check dengan Magic Ring

To demonstrate the power of early anti-aging skincare, SK-II ambassador Susan Bachtiar went through a skin check-up using the Magic Ring device. Her loyalty to SK-II products for the past ten years has paid off, because the machine showed that while being 41 years old, her skin had the elasticity, suppleness and hydration of a 27-year-old. That’s a pretty good ratio if you ask me !

Photo GroupSo are you worried about the age of your skin? Get your free Magic Ring test and cosultation at an SK-II booth near you and find out whether or not the Stempower series is right for you.