hair care

A Creambath to Rejuvenate Your Hair and Soul


Back in 2012, Deszell wrote at length about the Creambath Ultra service from Matrix, the leading name in products and hair care services which originated in the US. Well, they’re back again to add another innovative service into their repertoire, and this time it has a bit of local flavor injected into it.

During the last week of January, we were rounded up to experience the Matrix Totok Creambath Aromatherapy. Among the four sources present at the event were Rudy Hadisuwarno (revered hairdresser, businessman, and father of the cream bath) and Dr. Irzan Nurman, an acupuncture expert and therapist. This is the first time I’ve seen an acupuncturist at a hair care event, so I was curious to see what he had to say about his role in all this.






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