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Reasons to Shop at MNC


It certainly feels like we can find new online shops every month. And this month, MNC Shop is launches its website It provides thousands of items, beauty products, fashion items, kitchenwear, sportswear, footwear, jewelry, computer, video game, home appliances, and many more.

MNC Shop TV Channel launched August 2012, and to be honest it is one of the many channels that my mom loves.  This year, they also grab online market by creating a new platform for online shoppers.  The interesting part from MNC Shop website is that it offers “Gold” which is a bonus point that we can use for the next transaction.  We can find a wide range of products, which I think is a fresh option since I usually go to beauty and fashion online shop and sometimes I do want to find another item that’s unrelated to fashion and beauty.  For example, a juicer for a healthy lifestyle. 😀

The user interface is simple, yet somehow feels too plain for my taste.  But it is easy to browse through categories and I can type a keyword in the search section and it shows the products that I might want to consider, which is a plus point for the search engine. Here are 6 more reasons to shop at MNC :


It is a plus point when we can choose our interest at an online shop so we get the updates that we actually want.  There are plenty of categories at MNC shop and shoppers can choose which categories they like.





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