
When You Think You've Done Enough, Do:More!

beauty school

DesZeLL・19 Jul 2013


I really wish that there really  are more hours in a day. No matter how much I think I’ve done in a day, I still wish I could do more. But now I’m trying to make peace with it and force my self to be proud of my achievements, because in the 24-hour span I actually do more than I thought I could do.
Though I’m not an early bird, I usually stay up quite late to finish up my work. So that’s acceptable, right? After my first cup of coffee, everything should just fall into place from there.

Last Wednesday was particularly hectic for me. Being in the digital industry means that I have to juggle between sitting pretty on my desk and take a quiet moment to write and dress up for an event amidst the tight deadline. But I enjoyed the event that I attended that day- I got to meet the Hermes watch craftsman and try my luck in disasembling an Hermes watch unit. How cool is that? The problem with going to an event is the amount of time that I have to invest in getting ready. But all I need is a foolproof eyeliner and  statement-making lipstick and I’m ready to go.
