
Skin Care Addict Confession: My Journey with SK-II

beauty school

lizvan・16 Jul 2013


I first found out about SK-II when I was in high school. I tried the Facial Treatment Essence, more famously known as miracle water, but I broke out with pimples the next day. I was a kid and knew nothing about purging; I just concluded that it was too rich for me so I stopped using it. Fast forward to 2010 when my skin was at its worst: oily and zitty with pus everywhere, enlarged pores, redness, and acne marks. I bought their trial-sized kit which consisted of Facial Treatment Cleanser, Facial Treatment Clear Lotion and Facial Treatment Essence. Since my face was already covered with pimples, I couldn’t tell the difference whether my skin was healing or going through its purging process, but I continued on with it. My skin did look and feel slightly better, so I decided to continue using it. My acne was caused by food allergies, so if I ate the wrong stuff, I would almost always break out. I’ve used Tretinoin, a topical antibiotic, and even went to a dermatologist for my problem, but my skin just didn’t get better and stayed that way. I would have clear skin for a specific period of time, and then suddenly, BOOM! Hello, pimples. It was a very depressing point of time for me.

I kept on using Facial Treatment Essence, Clear Lotion and some other items from SK-II because I didn’t feel that they worsened my skin’s condition. I used to use my fingers to apply Facial Treatment Essence, until one day, a dear friend and fellow SK-II lover whom I met through Female Daily told me to try using cotton pad to apply it. I felt no difference at first, but she told me to give it a couple of weeks before seeing results.

Boy, was I glad I  listened to her, because my skin improved, with fewer pimples showing up. I, then, tried using the much talked-about moisturiser Stempower because my beloved moisturiser  of choice, Skin Signature, had been discontinued. I fell in love with Stempower to the point of deciding to stop using retinol. Since then my complexion has improved: clearer skin, fewer pimples, shrunken pores. Even my friends and colleagues commented on the improvement! I am now confident enough to go out with nothing but sunblock and loose powder, and I even have the courage to wear red lipstick. My skin is not perfect, but after experiencing some improvements, I’ve decided to stick with SK-II. (more…)