

Natural Flush Pink Lips with Tony Moly Green Apple


Hello! It’s me again, finally back after a long self-imposed comatose. Of course I’ll be dispensing my usual venomous obsessions on all things pretty & nice, so buckle up AND HOLD ON TO YOUR WALLET LADIES!

First I have an announcement to make.

My name is Ira and I’m addicted to lip tints.

There, you have it. That’s my latest obsession. Why lip tints you ask?

Well, lip colors & blushes are the only makeup I can put on my face without looking like a drag queen. And how many blushes can you have, really? (well okay now, that’s going to be another therapy session topic).

Then why not lipsticks?

Umm….yes, I have several of those (dozens) already. So I feel it’s now time to venture into a new territory. Honestly, this all just started with an observation : why are Japanese & Korean girls so obsessed with having “naturally flushed” lips & cheeks? One thing led to another and before I knew it, I became obsessed with lip tints. Okay we’ve been there for the BeneTint craze, followed by PosieTint and then every other brand released their own version. Done that. I wasn’t too impressed. But now, this second time around, this trend finally caught me! Today’s (Korean) lip tints are of a different breed. They’re not made of runny dye which settles into cracks and leaves your lips dry as Sahara in July. These are excellent!

I’ll get into the details soon, and just to add to the frenzy, I have to reveal another issue which got me hooked : these babies are cheap. By that I mean, dirt cheap. So it’s easy to love! The one I like the most (so far) and ordered a backup right after the first application is :



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