
Simple Beauty: DIY Facial Treatments Are The Latest Beauty Trends

beauty school

clarissa17・07 Sep 2012


One of the latest beauty trends is to use DIY facial treatments. Most of these treatments are simple and do not take a whole lot of time. Not only will making your own facial scrubs and creams save you money, but you will also find them to be more effective than expensive store-bought products.


1. Acne Brown Sugar Scrub

Acne is a common problem that both men and women face. People will sometimes spend hundreds of dollars on treatments that do not always work. A simple brown sugar scrub can do wonders for your face. You will need brown sugar, olive oil, and tea tree oil. Mix the sugar with the olive oil until you have a paste. Add just a couple of drops of tea tree oil, mixing it all up thoroughly. Apply to your face, using circular motions. Allow it to soak in for a minute or so before rinsing it off with warm water. The olive oil moisturizes, the sugar exfoliates, and the tea tree oil kills bacteria. This combination will leave your skin clear and healthy.
