
Skincare Arsenal: Vanya

beauty school

vanya・22 May 2012


I only started using skincare when I turned 26. Way too late, I know. Before that I didn’t even know the difference between tinted moisturizer and foundation, and never knew there’s such thing as serum. My skin condition was really horrible at that time. And it was still not improving much.

Fast forward to two years later, when Amal finally joined Female Daily Network for full time. I still remember her first comment when she saw me in the office during her first week. “What happened to your skin?” and when she found out I only use moisturizer and nothing else for my skincare regimen, she was so surprised, and the next day she brought several jars and bottles and asked me to use them regularly. And she kept track! She used to check on my face from time to time before she finally sure that I have now understand the importance of skincare.

However when she asked me to write this article, I was reluctant for around 2 months, until now, when I got my skin tested and the result shows, that, even though my skin condition is not as good as I want it to be, it is not on it’s worst condition 🙂 So here’s my skincare arsenal.

(Notes: I have very dry skin, spots and sideburns, so as you will see below, I try to keep my skin extra moisturized all the time as well as focussing on brightening care)

