
Caviar - From Luxury Delicacy To Beauty Ingredient

beauty school

RizkaAgustina・26 Mar 2012


Have you ever tried eating caviar? Or know what it is exactly? The word “caviar” refers to lightly salted roe or fish eggs. The one that is considered as “true” and premium caviar is Sturgeon Roe, comes from the Sturgeon fish originated in Caspian Sea, bordered by Russia and Iran. Premium caviar is sometimes called black caviar because it refers to the color of sturgeon roe.  It comes in several varieties: beluga, sevruga sterlet and osetra. Two years ago ,the price was between $8,000 – $ 16,000 per kilogram.

Image from gormet.com

Why caviar is so expensive? Some says caviar is the symbol of wealth and luxury. As stated in wisediscoveryinfo.com, sturgeon fish population worldwide is at critical level, driving the price to be more and more expensive. Moreover, the way caviar is produced is too tedious and requires a very delicate processing. It takes twelve stages of operation to make the finest caviar, and it should be done in a span of 15 minutes, otherwise the eggs will be spoiled. The transportation of the eggs is also conscientious.
