
Product of The Week: Teabag's Braided Kimono Outerwear


RizkaAgustina・12 Jan 2012


Just like shoes, we can never have enough outerwear, can’t we?

An outerwear saves me whenever I need to look covered when my top or dress is sleeveless.  The right outerwear also gives accent to my outfit so my clothes won’t look too plain. Not to mention, outerwear will also give warmth depending on its thickness. Unfortunately, finding an outerwear that wins my heart and doesn’t look like everybody’s blazer or cardigan is not easy. That’s why the number of outerwear I have is limited.

Wanting to add another outerwear into my closet, I browsed the ‘Outerwear’ section at Berrybenka. It didn’t take long for me to capture the most interesting outerwear on that page: braided kimono outerwear from Teabag. It looks good, unique with the braided detail and it’s only Rp 150,ooo. Such an affordable price that makes this outerwear hard to resist.

What do you think? Do you also find this outerwear tempting?