
Towards The Final of 2011 Wajah Femina


RizkaAgustina・28 Nov 2011


Can you imagine how would it be when there’s no model in the cover of a magazine? Or a fashion show without the models? When talking about fashion or media industry, it won’t be fair if we forget the models. Therefore, Femina magazine has been holding Wajah Femina, a model search contest since 1986.

The contest aims to fulfill its need of models for magazine photoshoots and also create new job opportunities for the models. Some famous celebrities started their career as models. Famous names like Olga Lydia, Kinaryosih, Nadya Mulia and Memes were once winners of Wajah Femina.

After 26 years, Wajah Femina is now opening doors for the new generation of models. Here are the 2o finalists of 2011 Wajah Femina who have gone through several steps of selection process. Just like previous Wajah Femina finalists, during the quarantine before the final moment, all finalists were given workshops on makeup application, modeling, public speaking and so on.

Who’s going to be the next winner of Wajah Femina? We can participate to choose the winner of most favorite winner by voting though wajahfemina.co.id or SMS. Here’s how:

  1. Send your SMS to 3789 (for Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, Flexi, Esia and Mobile 8). Type WF<space>Finalist name<space>Full name#Age#Sex#Occupation#Complete adress#City. As example: WF 1 Indira#25#Karyawati#Jl.Limau No 5#Surabaya
  2. Total characters should be less than 160 (including space and punctuation mark)
  3. This is a premium SMS with Rp 2,000 tariff (PPn is not included)
  4. Send your SMS during this period: November 24 – December 14, 2011 (the line will be closed at 16:00 WIB).

Femina will also give prize to lucky voter and it will be announced in Femina magazine and www.femina.co.id.

Who is your favorite finalist from 2011 Wajah Femina? Or do you find any familiar faces among them?