
Female Daily Buka Bersama with Dove

community events

DesZeLL・28 Aug 2011


What: Female Daily Buka Puasa with Dove

When: 18 August 2011

Where: Birdcage


Every Ramadhan we always hold a Buka Puasa event. It’s one of the most exciting things that happened during Ramadhan. The details only firmed up at the very last minute, but we bet everyone has been waiting for the announcement because in just one day we filled up almost every seat available.

We had a talk show with Coach Al from Coaching Indonesia about “Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone” with MC Arienda, who is also our forum member. In the talkshow, Affi shared her experience quitting her 9 to 5 jobs and joined Hanzky in building the Female Daily Network. Ersa Mayori as the brand ambassador of Dove also shared her experience about getting out of her comfort zone. One of the things that I remembered is when she said that being comfortable with your job and loving your job is two very different things. If you happened to have both, then you’re one very lucky person 🙂

What is comfort zone really? It’s a zone where you’re currently comfortable at, but you don’t feel like there are enough challenges for you and it can’t be expanded any further. By getting out of your comfort zone, you’re challenging yourself to new things outside it and raising the bar for yourself. There’s always something new to learn when you’re brave enough to get out of your comfort zone as shared by Affi and Ersa. But it takes passion to drive you out of it. So Coach Al said that you need to find the purpose in your passion to help you get out of your comfort zone.

Adina and Deborah from Dove Indonesia also took the time to explain to us about Dove #RealCare campaign. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that during Ramadhan, Dove held a charity campaign via Twitter, every tweet using #RealCare hashtag will translate into a Rp, 1.000 donation to Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB). Not only that, if you use real care Twibbon, it will be translated into Rp. 5.000 donation of the same charity. We were very happy to hear that the campaign, which has run for several weeks when we had the event, had raised almost IDR 50 million! This money will be used to make sure that children from underprivileged families can continue with their education. So if you’re among those who supported Dove Real Care campaign, you have made a difference in those children’s lives 🙂

There were also Dove goody bag for everyone coming that day and also lots of prizes from both Dove and Female Daily. We hope everyone had a very good time and we’ll see everyone after Lebaran 🙂

Our biggest thank you for Dove who have kindly sponsored the event.

Here are some more pictures from the event.