
Looking for a New Prayer Set for Eid Prayer?

online shop 2

DesZeLL・25 Aug 2011


You always associate Lebaran with all things new. Or perhaps, we just want to justify spending our THR on purchasing new stuff. But one thing for sure, a nice prayer set will always have a special place on Lebaran day. If you haven’t changed your prayer set for quite sometime, it’s about time to get a new set especially that there are so many cute ones available.

Our pick falls into the prayer set from Janeville and Tulisan that came with a nice bag to tuck away your prayer set. You can also use it afterward as your daily bag.

Janeville Lebaran Hampers A (Mukenah and Tasbih) Rp 850,000

Janeville Lebaran Hampers B (Mukenah and Tasbih) Rp 395,000

Tulisan Pepe Prayer Set (mukenah and prayer mat) Rp 498,000

Tulisan Hotel Batavia Prayer Set (mukenah and prayer mat) Rp 498,000

Which one do you think you’ll going to bring for this Ied prayer? I’m thinking to get the Tulisan Hotel Batavia set 🙂