
Yay or Nay: The Stiletto Nails

beauty school

DesZeLL・01 Jul 2011


I thought this would go away sooner, the stiletto nails sighted on the nails of many of the Hollywood celebrities. Apparently backed up by the likes of Beyonce, Rihanna, Fergie, Katy Perry and most recently Lady Gaga in her music video Judas, I can still see it more than what I want to.

So what do you think about this long, pointy and sharp nail manicure? Do you think it’s too scary or do you think it’s more of a statement? I myself can’t imagine wearing it. Imagine the damage I would cause when I need to scratch myself let alone if I accidentally scratch someone! Definitely, a bad first impression there 🙂

But some thought that this is the perfect nail manicure to complete an “edgy” look. So what’s your final verdict? Is it a yay or a nay?