

Hey Look! We've Got a Makeover!


affi/ 53


If you’re reading this post, you’ll have an idea of what it is that’s been keeping our team very busy these past few weeks!

Yep, after going through a lot of long working days, going around with knots in our stomach from excitement and fear, and (unfortunately) a few technical issues, we can finally announce to you the result!

There are 2 new things that we implemented today. One should be very obvious and the other is, well, perhaps not so obvious 🙂

1. New Look!

Yep, we decided to trade in our old layout with a new, fresher and more modern one. The function is still the same. You can still go to latest articles in fashion or beauty, Editor’s Corner, Styletracker, Latest Comments etc from the front page. But we think you’ll enjoy browsing around even more thanks to our sleek design and thanks to the team at Xinix 🙂

Please feel free to look around and we’d love to hear what you think! If you find any broken links, errors, or other things that are not working as they should, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment in the comment box below. We’ll fix it right away. Some thumbnails are not appearing as they should because of the different size from the old layout, but the new articles should have the correct thumbnails.

2. No more multiple log in!

If you go to any of the websites in our network, be it Fashionese Daily, Mommies Daily, Fame n Frame or Female Daily, you will notice a LOG IN button on the right corner (up to today it’s only working for Fashionese Daily and Female Daily, the others are still work in progress). If you click it and submit your forum user name and password, you will be automatically logged in to ALL of the websites mentioned above. It means, that once you are logged in, you can write comments on any of those websites without having to fill in name, e-mail, or any other fields anymore. Totally fuss free!

If you’re interested in contributing an article for us, with this new system, you can do so with just a few, simple steps. You simply hover to your name on the top bar, choose “Add New Post” and voila! You can start writing your piece on the text box. After that, you can click the “Save as Pending” button, and your articles will be saved for our editors to review.

Isn’t that cool? Not only that you can jump from one website to another seamlessly, you can also make your ‘voice’ heard by contributing articles for us!

Anyway, please take a look at these new changes and get your familiarized with them. We also would like to thank you for your incredible understanding and support throughout the process of implementing this new system. We know how frustrating it is to not be able to access Fashionese Daily or Female Daily and we are glad that those period is over. We regret that it had to happen but we take comfort in the knowledge that we are doing this because we want YOU to have a better experience hanging out in our websites.

So yes, this is all for you! And no, we’re not done yet. You’ll see other exciting changes that we’ll introduce in the next few weeks!

Once again, if you have any comment/feedback, go ahead and leave a comment below!

Enjoy! 🙂

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