
Marcks' Venus Cleanser Gel, Cleanse and Cooling at the Same Time

beauty school

DesZeLL・28 Mar 2011


What better time to try a new cleansing product than after the infamous Kelas Dandan FD where you packed a lot of foundation and eye makeup into your face?

I found Marcks’ Venus White Beauty Aqua Cool Gel Cleansing Gel on my home from Kelas Dandan FD. Made a quick stop at the supermarket to pack something for dinner that was quick and easy, but enough about my day and let’s jump straight into the product.

The cleansing gel is actually meant to be for the oily skin type and there’s actually another type of product for dry and normal skin which is the cleansing milk/cream. I picked up this one because when I thought of cooling gel it sounded so attractive, for some reason.

The gel is colourless and it feels like an antibacterial gel at the touch, complete with its coolness. But unlike antibacterial gel, it does not disappear completely into the skin, it does however dissolve rather quickly. When I first tried on the product, I only dispensed a peanut size and applied it on my cheek that dissolved too quickly into my face and it didn’t do any cleansing gel. What was left of the product is just a sticky feeling, which was very yucky. Something sticky on your face that didn’t do anything at all!

So in an attempt to make it work, I dispensed more product and applied it onto my face liberally. Just enough so that I could massage it around my face and it could still glide on the surface of my face to lift all my make up. At first I only saw the gel becoming a little bit brown but there was still flimsy colour film on my face which made me unsure whether the product have done its job or not. But when I wiped my face with cotton pad to take the leftover product away, I could see that even my heavy eye makeup were lifted. Although, some of my mascara still remained. Which is quite okay for me since most of the time I still use Eye Makeup Remover to make sure that my eye makeup are completely lifted off.

Afterward I will use a foaming wash and toner as usual to cleanse my face thoroughly.

It has a nice soft scent that isn’t actually a fancy smell. As I read the ingredients list, apparently the product uses green tea fragrance for the scent.

I bought the 50 ml size but it’s also available in 100ml. The good thing about this product is the friendly price of Rp 10,500 give or take.

I will recommend this for daily use when you are not wearing heavy or full coverage makeup. This product is really quite a steal! Even if it doesn’t work for you, it won’t break your wallet and you will love its cooling affect. One more thing, even on my dry skin this product doesn’t feel drying at all.

Have you tried Marcs’ Venus Cleanser Gel? Do you like it as much as I do?