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Here are My (Non) Resolutions :)


affi/ 10


New year. New month. New spirit. New resolution?

To be honest, I’m not the type of person who does New Year’s resolution. I never make any. But like many others, I assess my situation and if there’s anything that I think needs a change, I do it right away. know, when I have the willpower to do it, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be in the beginning of a new year.

Having said that, looking into my current situations, I do feel like I need to start adopting new habits. So here is my list, in totally random order.

  1. I need to really re-organize my beauty case and figure out which products to keep and which to give away. It shames to think that I have lots, I mean LOTS of never-used products just sitting in the corner of my train case. Why do I keep them? Maybe I’ve been subconsciously hoping that these limited-edition products will one day become collectibles and worth 10 times more than the original price. Yes, I am that delusional.
  2. I want to start shopping during sale season. I know it sounds strange and I swear I’m not trying to brag by implying that I buy everything full-priced. The thing is, I hate being in crowded place and I always assume sale=crowded shops. So I try to avoid them and come back to the store after the sale season almost ends and often, I can’t find what I’m looking for, or if I do, it’s in their their normal price. Having seen Deszell’s haul from Senayan City recently and other sale she went to, and realizing what kind of deal I could’ve gotten if I would just brace the crowd and stay up a little bit late to go to any midnight sale, I think I might give it a try. Want to go with me? 😀
  3. I’ve recently started walking more in a desperate attempt of getting fit. I want to keep doing that and incorporate other “fun” activities into my daily or weekly routine, like yoga or dancing.
  4. I want to start making a good financial plan. Oh yes, I have some plan (though it’s mostly called “not breaking into our saving account”) but what I mean is, I need a serious, “grown-up” financial plan. Like having emergency fund, investment, pension plan and all that. I’ve read this article about reksadana a few times and I’m going to start putting it into actions.
  5. I want to write more. Again, this might sound weird considering writing is actually a big part of my job. But writing an article in a hurry while doing 5-6 other things at the same time, is different than planning, researching and generally putting a lot more thoughts into it. Writing without deadlines hanging over my head is a luxury for me nowadays but I want to dedicate more time to really do it the way I used to. Because I don’t want to lose the enjoyment and excitement of putting my ideas into words, which has gotten me where I am today 🙂
  6. I want to read more and tweet less 😀 I find that when I read, I’m more inspired to write. I’m sure I’m not the only one who suddenly realized that months have gone by without having read a single book. What happened? Twitter is what happened. It’s fun and useful, yes. But it sure can make you unable to focus to anything that contains more than 140 characters. (How sad). But I think I’ve gotten my stride back these past few weeks though. I managed to finish 2 books in less than 2 months! 😀

There are more, of course. But what I mentioned above are the ones are most relevant to Fashionese Daily. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who feels the need to adopt these new habits/things because the girls in the office have also agreed to make it the main focus of our editorials this month. We’re planning to write more about things that can improve our lives; financially, physically, emotionally or at least, make us look better 🙂 It’s never too late to start something new if it’s good for you, right?

Oh, I also asked FD-ers on Twitter about their fashion & beauty resolutions and here are their answers (thanks, girls!)

@chironcellar my beauty resolution wud b simply drinking 8 glasses of water which may retain a very good skin n glowing if possible. 🙂

@irawatysarah In 2011 I’ll try to own & wear, something black. Clothing is impossible, black is way too warm for Bali. Bags/shoes, maybe!

@adityamaya I need to take care of myself better, like update my style and have good flawless skin.

@Moetz_Mutz My resolutions are stop being an impulsive shopper,lose weight about 12 kilograms,and more beautiful inside-outside(can I?)

@mbengmellow for 2011 I want to start a new blog special for my make up stuff 😀 focusing on product reviews :))

@SimplyCheecky My resolution is simple, culling my wardrobe & ban impulsive shopping. Sounds simple but really hard 2 make it.Wish me luck

@2thousandthings Re-organize my wardrobe! It’s getting too messy in there ;p must organize it according to types & colors.

@chrysti_byst mw lebih rapi&ga malas pake make up.Lbh rajin olahraga jg biar badan langsing jd pake model baju apa aja oke,tmbh modis jg

@rainie_mel0dy taun depan pingin ambil make up course 😀 n mau nyoba perming

@ingzjewelry merealisasikan design jewelry impian: kombinasi batik (fabric) dan silver plated wire. Many designs playing on my mind!

@rerefd mine is simple but hard to do. to take off my make up properly before I fall asleep.

@riskandria my resolution#2011, tdk lapar mata & lbh selektif belanja online. Addicted to online shopping 😉

@simpliminima shocking color eyeliner and blush on. Metallic eyeshadow. Also flat suede boots… And lime green coat!

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