
Moulin Rouge on My Lips

beauty school

affi・30 Nov 2010


La lune, trop bleme, pose un diadème, sur tes cheveux roux

La lune, trop rousse, de gloire éclabousse, ton jupon plein de trous

La lune, trop pâle, caresse l’opale, de tes yeux blasés

Princesse de la rue,

sois la bienvenue

dans mon coeur brisé.

That was a piece of one of my most favorite songs from my favorite singer, Rufus Wainwright – Complainte du la Butte. This beautiful song also happens to be the soundtrack of Moulin Rouge, a musical directed by Baz Luhrmann opened in 2001. Moulin Rouge is also a famous cabaret in 1889 in Paris  and it is best known as the spiritual birthplace of the modern form of the can-can dance. Today the Moulin Rouge is a tourist destination, offering musical dance entertainment for visitors from around the world. Much of the romance of turn-of-the-century France is still present in the club’s decor.

I love musicals. I love the glorious and glamorous air surrounding the cabaret and I love Make Up For Ever Fall 2010 collection: Moulin Rouge. The 4 items introduced in this collection that are surely going to sparkle your night are Moulin Rouge Rouge Artist lipstick, Glossy Full Color, False Eyelashes, and Strass, Swarovski crystals in white, black and red that you can use to decorate your eyes or other areas in your face)

The Moulin Rouge lipstick came in black and red lacquered tube. The shade is intense red with a hint of orange base. It feels creamy and luxurious when applied and is not drying at all. With this red, you won’t have to worry too much about touching up because it stays on and on. I wore it to a wedding yesterday and after a few hours of drinking and eating, I still did not need to reapply. When it is finally gone, it’ll leave a pretty red stain on your lips.

Moulin Rouge Rouge Artist lipstick is available at Make Up For Ever retail counters nationwide for Rp. 235.000

Floral headband courtesy of Allura by Nasya Marissa