
METRO Fashion Fling Shopping Day


vanya・06 Jul 2010


As you all know, we have just finished Metro Fashion Fling contest and there were three winners who each received IDR 3,000,000 shopping voucher. Aren’t they lucky?

On Saturday, June 26, 2010 all winners gathered in Metro Department Plaza Senayan to claim their prize. They have all day to spend the whole three million there. Not that they have problems with that, for sure :p

Hani, Thomas and I were there at that time, to document the event and tried hard to hide our jealousy πŸ˜€ All winners looked great and well prepared.Β  They told me they have made a list of what to buy since Β they’re afraid they will be distracted with all the sale and special offers, they’ll end up with the stuff they wont use. Well that’s like every woman’s problem πŸ˜€

Oh, and all of them had a shopping buddy to help them carry the stuff later on! πŸ˜€ See.. I told you they were well prepared!

So since pictures paint a thousand words, I will let you enjoy the pictures and let’s see if you can feel my jealousy πŸ™‚

Thank you to all winners, all participants and of course, thank you Metro Department Store

The Winners. Deby Sucha - Melissa - Nathalie

Deby and the sea of bags

Melissa looked so happy.. I wonder why :p

Nathalie tried to decide what shoes to buy..

And the three winners send us the picture of their haul πŸ˜€

Deby's haul. I can see she's having fun πŸ˜€

Nathalie's haul..

Melissa's Haul Part 1

Melissa's Haul Part 2. This is for her Mom. Isn't she sweet?