
148. Inside Lena's Bag

inside her bag

Female Daily・21 Feb 2010


Lena is Female Daily Forum Moderator and Fashionese Daily Editor, who is also a consultant working in Jakarta.

The Bag: Brandless wave-patterned brown, big bag bought from Closet Quickies. A go-anywhere bag that can go to a meeting with pak bupati, yet withstand a spray of salt water on a little-boat ride.

The Contents:

  • A netbook
  • Something to read during commutes (in this case, The Economist magazine)
  • A daily planner (got it free from a magazine)
  • Bottled water
  • Notebook
  • A bag organizer from Sixteen Million, full of crap including (left to right, top to bottom): a calculator, optical mouse, couple of earrings (to wear when needed), flash disk, blot paper under the PAC 2-way cake powder, earphones (showing in one of the side pockets of the bag organizer), hair stick (buat bikin konde rambut uwel-uwel kalo lagi kepanasan), pen.
    One, two, …six (!) lip stuff: Chanel laque, Tarte loss, BBW balm, MAC gloss, CO Bigelow gloss (freshens breath!), Sariayu lipstick (Nias 02, current fave!)
    Earplugs in sealed plastic bag (to drown out humanity during public transport commutes), sunglasses. wallet, tissue, cellphone (used to take this pic).
  • Another staple is a small umbrella, which was out to dry when I took this photo.

Let’s participate by sending a picture of your bag and its contents here!