
Forum Member in The Spotlight: Jenna Lani & Her Label 'Siren'

beautiful people

Hanzky・31 Oct 2009


siren01She has been a member of Fashionese Daily Forum since April 2009. I have met her about four times, and let me tell you, she always looks polished and flawless. She made me wanting to reach my makeup pouch for touch up every time I see her.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Dare to try something new, am punctual (which I find it hard to do in Jakarta), well organized, goal-oriented.

What did you do before Siren?
I worked as a visual merchandiser in an Australian surfing company (Bali-based) for 3 years and continued for several years as an assistant to the chief designer for Religion Clothing, a UK street wear label.

In 2007, I’ve started my own clothing business. I have 2 major labels; Siren, focusing in custom-made items, such staff uniform, promotional giveaway and merchandise.

My other label is for children, both girls and boys, that I sold in Holland through shops and bazaars. It lasted for 2 seasons before moving out from Bali to Jakarta.

How did you start Siren?
Since I was a newbie in town, it took me a year to start my own business again. I used that period figuring out a lot of things, such as concept, sourcing, etc. Finally in February this year, I launched Siren online.


Can you tell us the concept behind Siren? Maybe, what is Siren’s signature style and who should wear your design?
I love dresses and beautiful tops! Sometimes you can’t easily find those made in high quality material, one-of-kind or more limited in quantity, and most importantly, worth the price tag. From that point of view, I picked up again my Siren label which already exists, only this time with a different direction. More personal and no more mass production.

Our signature style is elegance, comfort, sophistication and chic. Who should wear it, I actually have a determined age range, but as it turns out, our clients vary from mid 20s to early 40s, so I guess that’s our market.

What is your next step for Siren?
Turning my garage into a mini studio soon (that will be my next project), hiring more people to work with Siren, and putting more focus on Siren’s website.


What challenges do you face in developing your own label?
Working with people who have the same ideas, as well as time allocation, and how to execute effective marketing.

Are you a hi-tech girl?
I wish ;). My tech stuff are not the oldest, but definitely not the latest version either. What’s most important is that I know how to operate them. Don’t ask me to read manuals, update or install new software and application. I prefer somebody else do that for me, so when it doesn’t work, I have somebody to blame (laughs)

What threads do you mostly hang out in FD?
Bali, Wisata kuliner di Jakarta, The Best Chinese Restaurant in Jakarta, mostly food related (laughs). I love food 🙂

Is there anything you want to see more in FD?
Just cannot think what’s not already there in FD 😉


You never leave home without….
From the highest priority to the lowest priority: my Blackberry, wearing decent makeup, big bag, jacket, scarf or shawl, Evian water spray.

The last 5 items you bought?
Trina Turk Strapless dress, Muse album ‘The Resistance’ on CD, Urban Decay Primer Potion, Lulu Ori by Mimo, Mango tiger-print flat shoes.

What is your next vacation destination?
Turki, Ceko, Raja Ampat.

Click here to view Siren complete collection