
Need a Makeover. Where to Start??

female daily network

Hanzky・07 Apr 2009


makeoverWe received many emails daily that ask all kinds of questions, from where the best dry cleaning to finding certain products to what to wear to prom night. There are times when we don’t get the chance to reply all of them, some we directed to the forum, and some we try to post here so all of  FD readers can help chip in their suggestions.

I really need help!!! *grin*. Kalo dirimu pernah jalan terus nemuin orang yang rambutnya panjang, so messy, bajunya ngasal aja shirt sama jeans, itu akuuu banget. Aku 24th dan jenis kulit juga bermasalah, agak-agak  jerawat gitu sih yaa,temen sekantor sampe bilang, aku bisa beda 180 derajat kalo bisa benerin penampilan, konon katanya modal dari sananya udah lumayan, mata sama hidung aku ok laah *katanya, huhu*.
