
Summertime Skin, Beauty, and Style Essentials


dhnshrtn・21 Jul 2014


This scorching weather has left some of us begging for cooler weather — but if you’re all about living the beach life and look forward to escaping the heat in search of sun, sand, and surf, don’t forget to pack these skin, beauty, and style essentials for the season.

La Mer SPF 50 UV Protecting Fluid

la mer spf 50

If you have $$$ to burn and are in the market for a new sunscreen, you should check out the SPF 50 UV Protecting Fluid from La Mer. This lightweight sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays to protect skin from the first markers of aging, like dark spots and fine lines. It is formulated with La Mer’s proprietary “Miracle Broth” to renew appearance of skin while keeping it hydrated and protected from the elements.

Some of its star ingredients are a seaweed extract to protect skin, as well as semi-precious stones tourmaline and Brazilian malachite to boost antioxindants.So if you’re wearing this and someone comments on your crystalline appearance, you can tell them that you literally have gems in your pores.

The La Mer SPF 50 UV Protecting Fluid retails for IDR 1,100,000 at La Mer counters.
