
Fragrance Friday: Portable Scents

beauty school

dhnshrtn・28 Mar 2014


We at FD are big proponents of leaving behind your comfort zone to travel — I’m with Mark Twain when he once wrote how “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” And while we love travel, we’ve also come to realize that we love sharing our favorite travel tips too.

So while I’m all for leaving behind comfort zones, I would be lying if I say I’m comfortable leaving behind a few beauty-related essentials. One of the more essential non-essentials are fragrances, and my heaven-sent lifesaver comes in the form of solid perfumes and perfume rollerballs.

Instead of lugging around heavy full-sized glass bottles (and their equally cumbersome mini versions), I tend to opt for these more portable incarnations instead. Though not as potent as their spray-on counterparts, they’re much easier to carry around and make it simple (and inconspicuous!) to mask any unsavory scents that may be lingering from the passed-out passenger next to you on the plane who may have had one too many cans of complimentary beer. Here are a few of my favorites:

Juara Candlenut Perfume Oil

This is a very tropical-inspired blend of aromatics: a mix of freesia, jasmine, bergamot, rose, and tell-tale coconut come together in a chubby little tube. Its alcohol-free formulation means it won’t cause dryness and irritation — this is actually an oil blend, so it will do your skin plenty of good when you apply it as well. Dab it on your wrists or behind your years for a quick pick-me-up.


Next: L’Occitane >>