
My Surprising Rp. 20K Haircut

beauty school

grisselda・16 Sep 2013


Hello, my name is Griss, and last month I had my very first short haircut ever.  When I say short, I mean so short that I can’t even make tie my hair in a ponytail.  Sure I’ve had a short haircuts before, but they were shoulder-length cuts because I always tell the hairdresser that I want to be able to tie my hair (just in case I can’t stand the heat).

I’ve loved long hair since I was a little kid. Although I never grew my hair out as long as the ones you see on shampoo commercials, I do love long hair.  I think it’s because I watched and read too many princess stories, and where the princesses always have long hair. If you have a pixie cut, don’t even think about being a princess!

Just kidding :p

Children’s stories mostly feature pretty girls with long hair, and I think I’ve been successfully brainwashed by that image.  On top of that, my mom is also a big fan of long hair; come to think of it, she’s taken control of my hair up to my middle school years, and of course she didn’t let anyone chop off my long hair back then 😀
