
Recent Love: Pinks!

beauty school

grisselda・18 May 2013


If someone asked me what color I love the most, I will definitely have a hard time answering because I love every single color. Seriously. I love it all: blue, green, pink, brown, orange, red, black, white, yellow. You name it, I probably love it! I can’t pick just one. I can easily fall in love with red one day, and then go head over heels for green the next.

I’ve recently found myself surrounded by pinks. The fun thing about color is how we can get a varied spectrum of shades in one color family. In my case, I have four favorite pink items right now, and they are all a different shade of pink. One is hot fuschia pink, the other one is baby pink, and as you can see, the rest are all different variations on pink. (more…)