
Editor's Letter: A Celebration of Another Exciting Year for Fashionese Daily


DesZeLL・01 Mar 2013


Do you know the big occasion that falls on the 26th of February? Yep, that was two days ago.

I don’t know if any of you guessed it right, but that day was Fashionese Daily’s birthday. I can’t believe that we’re 6 years old already. Evenmore, I can’t believe that it was 8 years ago that Hani first wrote a post on her personal blog which was the seed of what we now know as Fashionese Daily.

It’s not coincidental that I published this article today. Last year we had a big celebration, but today, as a 6-year old, we’d like to take a slower step and do some serious thinking, contemplating on what’s coming ahead in the future.

We think it’s time to go back to basic: starting with our layout, because we’ve grown up as a blog-style publication that still maintains its personal point of view when we write article. We also feel that we’ve grown tired of the portal-style look that we feel it’s time to go back to the old and simple blog style layout.

Though you still have to click more for the full length article, but now you don’t just see the title and picture on the index page. You can also read a bit of the excerpt, because after all, it’s the contents you want to read, right?

What’s exciting is that you can directly go to each of the channel available according to your interest: Fashion, Beauty, Fit N Fab and Hijab. The last one is a new channel addition, because we see that it fits our readers perfectly and this is what they currently need. On the channel page, you will see more categories from each particular channel, making it easier for you to navigate through the blog. Going back to basic also means that we’re trying to cater to many varieties of reader demographics. We’ll still have our in-depth review and expert eyes prying to the latest products and trends. But we also want to give you all of the news and trends of fashion and beauty- especially the later, a glimpse of knowledge to the industry by bringing basic articles that are useful and also informative.

It also means going back to what we’re known best. Community. That’s why this year we’re going to have many exciting gatherings and events.

For me, personally, who has been a member of Fashionese Daily from their very first year, it’s been a hell of a ride, both fun and exciting. I found some of my closest friends here, I found an extended family – the Female Daily Network, but most importantly, I found my passion.

Whether you’re a long time member of the gank or a newbie, I truly hope that you have enjoyed being a part of Fashionese Daily and our community, as much as I do.

Oh, and lastly (I’m putting the good news last!), don’t worry, our birthday wouldn’t go unnoticed. In the next few weeks, we’re going to have exciting contests and also announce the winners of FD Best of Beauty Awards.