
Today's Outfit: Strawberry Fields Forever

todays outfit

affi・26 Oct 2012


The next destination I went to right after my Miami trip was…New York City! This was my very first time going to the Big Apple and everyone whom I told this fact to always said the same thing “Oh, you are going to have sooo much fun!” And I did! ☺

One place I really wanted to visit while in NY was Central Park. Who would want to miss such an iconic place? Central Pak was just as I imagined it to be and more, and certainly way bigger than I thought! I walked around for several hours but only managed to cover a tiny part of it. Well, the park consists of 843 acres (3.41 km2) so there was no way I could walk around the whole area in just one day, especially because I wanted to see and do so many things during my 6 days stay there.

Anyway, it was a beautiful summer day and talking a stroll around the lush park really relaxed me. I had been to Times Square that day, and even though the lights, buzz and people were exciting to me when I first stepped into the area, I had to admit that I was feeling dizzy and suffocated after a while. There were just too many people and too many things going on concentrated in just a square, it was a complete sensory overload for me. Central Park, however, is more my kind of place. I stood for a long time on the Bow Bridge – the elegant arched bridge that is so famous it has been used as a backdrop for so many movies – and just taking in the beautiful scenery. The calming river, people rowing on boats, ducks, romantic willow trees, NY buildings on the background – I remember feeling very in peace with the world 😀
