
Today's Outfit: The Dress That Takes Me from Day to Night

made in indonesia

DesZeLL・13 Jul 2012


I never really get the ‘Day to Night Look’ section from a glossy magazine. In the back of my mind, I always thought “Yeah, of course they can do that, they add a thousands other stuff into the attire to make it work for the night.” But this article, since I’m the one writing it, is a true testament that you can actually take an outfit that fits for a day wear and take it for a night event.

The easiest thing to do it is actually with a LBD, since you know it’s such a classic.

So this is how I wear my LBD from day to night.

Day: Office and Meeting with Client

Cloth Ink LBDNoe CapeHeatwave Wedges

Since my LBD has a lace detail on the upper part, it’s going to be too much for day time. So I choose this turquoise  cape (I’m currently obsessed with cape if you haven’t already noticed), that is bright in colour and also the flowy cut tone down the feel of the LBD. And the wedges colour match the cape’s.
