
Why We Love This Redwin Lotion With Sorbolene Cream

beauty school

DesZeLL・06 Apr 2012


Have you heard about Sorbolene Cream? I never actually paid attention to it, until Nopai, who uses Redwin Sorbolene Moisturizer pointed out to me about it. She said that when she used to travel to Australia regularly, she would stock up on body lotions or creams from Australia because most of them will contain sorbolene cream. She finds it to be really moisturizing and keeping the skin hydrated for the whole day. Upon hearing this, being confined in an air conditioned room for the whole day, we couldn’t resist to give it a try and see what miracle it will give our dehydrated skin.

First thing that I noticed is that the smell. Iis a slight turn off – a combination of petroleum jelly and something else which reminds me of the chemist. It turns out that this lotion is fragrance-free, which is safer for sensitive skin. It feels that I have a thin moisturizing film surrounding my skin after application. But, throughout the day, my skin is indeed happily hydrated.
