
Smokey Eyes Tutorial With Affordable Budget

beauty school

DesZeLL・26 Mar 2012


What do you normally do when the Internet at the office goes dead and you can’t do any work? The girls at Fashionese Daily usually pick up their nail polish or palette and play around with it, just like what happened today. We thought, why don’t we do a tutorial while we’re at it 🙂

We have couple of products that are on the affordable range but the quality is comparable to those of a much pricier product. So we’re going to do a ‘Smokey Eyes Tutorial With Affordable Budget’.

First thing first, the most important thing in nailing this look is to have the right eyeshadow palette. We choose Maybelline Eye Studio Hyper Diamonds Eyeshadow in GR 1 that have five different colours and finishes and perfect for the purpose of this tutorial.

To make this tutorial easier, I already put numbers on the eyeshadow shades so that it’s easier for all of you to follow instruction.

Let’s start the tutorial.
