
Raisa Shares Her Tips to Stay Beautiful and In Style


RizkaAgustina・22 Dec 2011


Among Indonesian rising stars today, there’s Raisa who shines so bright.  I’m not a person who keeps myself updated with the latest info about music, but I recognized the two Raisa’s singles are often played on radio, they’re “Serba Salah” and “Apalah (Arti Menunggu)”. They are unlike the typical Indonesian pop songs, Raisa has her own style of music that makes her stand out. Not only that, she has participated in several big events in music industry such as Java Soulnation, Urban Jazz Crossover, Jak Jazz and Jazz Goes To Campus. She also performed opening acts for some concert of international musicians like Kenny G and Justin Bieber. As I Googled her name, I found some videos she made through her YouTube profile Raisa6690. Then I understood why she became popular. She is gifted with her beautiful voice and she has a great talent in singing too.

Lately, Raisa often appeared in TV commercial as she became the new brand ambassador of Sunsilk. It’s no wonder why Sunsilk chose Raisa; besides her talent in music, she’s also pretty with her beautiful hair. How can she maintain her appearance when she gets busy with singing and studying on the 7th semester in college? I’ve asked it all through a phone interview with Raisa and here’s her explanation:

Would you please describe your personal style?

Basically, what’s important for me is comfort. I don’t wear clothes that are too sexy because I would feel uncomfortable. I try to balance my outfit so it won’t look to too much nor underdressed. When I already wear something dressy, I’ll go for simple accessories so it won’t be too much. For my daily activities, I like to wear my jeans.

How about the makeup?

Most of the time, I just wear mascara to make my eyes look bright and lipbalm. I only wear full makeup for photo shoot or when I have to perform on stage.

How do you take care of your skin?

I always apply lotion to my skin after shower and I also scrub my skin regularly.

Your hair looks beautiful, is it complicated to treat it?

As I don’t have too much time to go to salon, I just wash my hair with shampoo that’s suitable for my hair. My hair is oily, so I need to wash it everyday. I use conditioner too, especially for the hair end. Sometimes, I also use leave on conditioner. When I’m about to sing on stage, I usually roll my hair, and I won’t forget to use conditioner in the morning.

Last but not least, how do you maintain your health?

I try to do sports regularly, no matter how busy I am. I just can’t go on a diet, If I did, I would get sick. I do sports three times a week, or at least once a week when I’m busy. I need to keep my stamina so I won’t get tired easily when I perform on stage.


Photos courtesy of  Andra Alodita