
169. Inside Reishita's Bag

inside her bag

affi・13 Mar 2011


The Bag: no brand, udah jaman SMP belinya. Tapi kuaaat banget!

The content:

  • payung ijo, cantik banget payungnya kalo lagi dipake
  • mukena, daripada rebutan mukena di mushola mending bawa mukena sendiri (higienis)
  • polkadot case, isinya : lip gloss La Tulip, Rohto cool, pemotong kuku, loose powder Ristra, beauty med soap Ristra, external hard disc SEAGATE 1TB
  • botol minum Tupperware, bawa air minum dari rumah kalo sewaktu- waktu kehausan di kampus
  • mickey pen case, isinya: flash disk, pulpen, mechanic pencil, eraser, correction pen, ruler, strapler, glue, selotip
  • wet tissue, WETZ
  • funny cow binder