
Fashionese Daily Now & Then

editors note

affi・01 Mar 2011


As I’m writing this, I’m in a state of disbelief. Has it really been 4 years ago when Hanzky and I e-mailed each other back and forth about collaborating on this blog together?

4 years is certainly a long time, but when so many things happened during that period, that sometimes it makes me dizzy just thinking about them, they can seem like a mere blink of an eye.

Our little blog has been enjoying tremendous growth but one thing I am most proud of, is that we never lose sight on what’s important for us and the reasons why we are doing what we do. Hanzky and I constantly ask each other on every step “Should we do this?” “Is this really us?” because now that Fashionese Daily has become a business, we realized that making money is one thing, staying true to yourself is another. Yes, this is our bread and butter, but above everything, the most important thing for us is for Fashionese Daily to keep being what you love most about it; a fun place to share, discuss anything related to fashion and beauty, written by passionate people with honest opinions 🙂

Having said that, there are still changes that happened during the past 4 years. It’s impossible not to go through these changes and changes can be good too 🙂 Let me take give you some examples:

Fashionese Daily Then

We wrote whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. We didn’t really have any schedule, basically whenever inspiration strikes, we’ll write. Which explains the inconsistency of the number of posts we could come up in the beginning. Sometimes we could be so productive we’d write 2 full-length articles daily, other times we just posted a Today’s Outfit picture and called it a day 😀

Fashionese Daily Now

Obviously, we try to be more structured now 😀 You could probably tell that we have certain days reserved for specific things, such as Today’s Outfit on Saturdays, Inside Her Bag on Sundays, Product of the Week on Thursdays, etc. Not just that, we also create a monthly schedule with a specific theme to focus on every month and what we’re going to write that’s relevant to those themes. We also try to stick to the schedule as much as possible 😀 What I’m saying is, we still have plenty of room to write spontaneously. If something hot comes up, we could adjust the schedule, because we are a daily publication anyway, we need to keep our fingers on the pulse and stay current 🙂

Fashionese Daily Then

We featured whatever products we think are worth mentioning, trends worth watching out for and basically everything we find interesting. No brand or company ever gave us any compensation for stuff we wrote about their products.

Fashionese Daily Now

Well, we got noticed by those brands and they want to promote their brand with us. Some of them send us some products for us to review, and although we never guarantee to write about them, we usually do if we find the products interesting enough to share with you. Another thing you might notice from us these past few years is a category called Sponsored Post. What does it mean? It means simply that the brand pays us to write it. But, usually before we do that, we will dig out all the necessary information about the products to make sure that whatever we write, it will still be our honest opinions. We really honor your trust in us. We don’t recommend products that we ourselves don’t believe in, and it’s going to stay that way, even if means we have to say no to certain advertisers. And believe us, it has happened 🙂

Fashionese Daily Then

We never acted that there are only “certain” ways to look beautiful both in fashion or beauty. We encouraged people to play around with their outfit and makeup to find what works best for them. We stressed the importance of having a healthy dose of confidence 🙂 and we really do believe everyone is beautiful in their own unique and special way.

Fashionese Daily Now

We still do 🙂 Some of us may think of us as experts or reference for their fashion and beauty needs, but our approach to the whole thing is still the same. We write from a customer’s point of view. We don’t look like models and just like you, we go through trials and errors in finding the clothes and makeup that look good on us so we know exactly how it feels to be looking at a gorgeous fashion spread in a magazine thinking “Well of course the clothes look good, she’s a model!” 🙂

Because of that, we tried to write about practical fashion and beauty tips, things we can actually recreate in our daily lives 🙂 Yes, we love the glamorous side of fashion also, but we will never try to fool you into thinking that we wear the kind of clothes you see on the runway. We’re real people with real body types and “real” budget. We feel fabulous nonetheless and we do believe each of you are fabulous too 😉

Fashionese Daily Then

We wrote about fashion and beauty only.

Fashionese Daily Now

Fashion and beauty are still the major part of FD but we do write about other things as well. This is inevitable since we have a forum which has 2,616 threads that discuss ANY TOPIC related to women. We write about health, because we believe first and foremost you need to be healthy to look beautiful. We write about traveling because we love going to new places and we’re sure you also love reading other people’s stories on interesting places they visit. We write about technology because it can’t be separated from our daily lives, right? Also, we write a little bit about finance because we are worried about our financial future if we keep this shopping habit 😀 Kidding! Well, it’s all about balance right? We all need to be financially savvy so we can enjoy life not just now, but for many many more years to come 🙂

Fashionese Daily Then

Getting comments from you were the highlight of our days

Fashionese Daily Now

Still are! We want to hear from you as much as possible so please don’t hesitate to leave a comment in anything we write about! 🙂

I think that’s pretty much what I wanted to share with you guys on this special day. I want to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for being so loyal to us all these years. It makes me choke up rereading your comments in the posts I wrote in 2007 :,)

Anyway, because YOU are a big part of what made us the way we are now, we want to give back as much as possible on this special occasion. Please visit our birthday site, and tell us your feedback and whether being a part of FD is helpful for you in any way. If you want to leave a birthday wish, you are welcome to do so too of course! Everyday we will  announce a lucky someone who gets to win some fantastic prizes from our sponsors. And when we said fantastic, we really mean it 🙂

Once again, thank you everyone. This has been a wonderful, fulfilling and life-changing experience 🙂