
RoC Beautiful at Every Stage Event

beauty school

affi・13 Aug 2010


What a lovely afternoon it was. Around 30 ladies gathered in The Apartment, sipping iced tea, enjoying delicate strawberry mouse while discussing about looking our best as we grow old.

Yes, it was on that day where Fashionese Daily and RoC presented a talkshow entitled “Beautiful at Every Stage” and invited some of our readers and forum members. I was the host and moderator of the event and even though I have read the presentations from our speakers prior to the event, I still learned a lot from the event itself!

There were 4 speakers during the talk show. First, Prof. Dr. dr. Retno Widowati S, SpKK (K), a Dermatologist explained to us that there are several factors which can speed up the ageing process in our skin, such as lifestyle (whether or not you smoke, exercise, etc), what we eat, how to take care of our skin as well as how well we protect it from the harmful UVA and UVB. Prof. Retno strongly recommended us to use sunscreen. Not just when we go outside, but even when we’re home because the sun rays can enter through the windows. She also said that we can start developing a good skin care regime as early as possible so our skin can be at its best condition. The simple steps of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and using eye cream still applicable for everyone. Prof. Retno also recommended using RoC products that are specifically formulated to target different signs of ageing.

Next, we listened to a short presentation from a Nutritionist, Arief T. Nur Gomo STP. MSi and it was really an eye-opener! Arief told us that apart from going all those extra miles to take care of our skin from the outside, taking care of it from the inside is equally important. Arief gave a few examples of food that are healthy, nutritious and scientifically proven to help women look their best. For example, fish and olive oil that is loaded with Omega3 is perfect for those who have problems with thin nails that are easy to break. You should also consume Vitamin E, to help fight the damage cause by UVA/UVB.

Fashionese Daily Managing Editor, Amalia, went up next to give styling tips on how to look good according to our age. She explained that at Fashionese Daily, we believe all women should whatever they want to as long as it makes them feel comfortable and confident. Amal also gave some examples on items which women from all age group can wear such as blazers, jeans and solid colored dresses. She showed us how to wear them differently to help us look our best, no matter how old we are.

After that, it was Yola Sutjiotomo‘s turn to greet us that afternoon. As Brand Manager of RoC Indonesia, she informed us that RoC has three lines of anti-ageing products, each formulated to target different problems. There’s Retin-Ox for fine lines and wrinkles, Complete Lift to make the skin more supple and firm. And then there’s Multi Correxion, which we can use for multiple signs of ageing. Especially for this last line of product, Yola explained that there’s a new formulation which she claimed as the ‘next big thing in anti ageing’. The products contain RoC Retinol and antioxidants, and it provides a comprehensive anti-aging solution to diminish the look of the most noticeable signs of aging and reveal, new, younger looking skin. The New Multi Correxion also contains light reflecting silk pearls to immediately brighten skin for a more luminous complexion. The products have not reached the counters in Indonesia, but all of us were lucky enough to sample them during the event and some ladies could even bring home the products to try!

As always, FD ladies were always enthusiastic in asking questions to the experts. They were also eager to learn how to do facial on their own, guided by RoC beauty advisors, which they could practice at home.

The event was closed with me throwing some questions about what we learned that day and no questions were left unanswered because apparently everyone paid close attention to the discussion! You can see their happy faces for winning wonderful products from RoC.

It was truly one of the best and most informative event that we have had and we were really glad to be able to share it with our readers and forum members. Thank you so much for all of you who came. And of course, a huge thank you for RoC for making it happen!