
Weekend Leisurely Shower


rere・06 Aug 2010


Here we are, middle of the week and I already reminiscing about the weekend. Don’t you wish that weekend will come sooner than later?

I spent last weekend catching on some sleep after a long week. I remember how relaxing it was, waking up late and just enjoy the slow day while reading one chick-lit after another. And when I (reluctantly) take a bath, I also use the opportunity to do some TLC to my tired body and skin.

I started with putting on Bengkoang face mask from Viva. I remember that I bought that mask solely because our moderator, Lena, recommended the use of bengkoang mask. Yes, I’m that gullible, luckily she never steered me wrong. I mix the white powder with Viva Air Mawar and put them on my face for 10 minutes.

I then proceed with taking leisurely shower, starting with Citra bengkoang white milk bath. I simply like the soft smell of this soap among others I sniffed at the supermarket. It also promised to brighten (or whiten?) your skin, but I didn’t see much difference on my skin after using 1 bottle. Next I use Pourvous sweet milk scrub to slough my rough skin. I’ll review this scrub later, but I’m just saying that it works for me. I finished with using Natur shampoo and conditioner, both are souvenirs from Kelas Dandan months ago.

I then realized that all bath and body products I’m using lately are local brands. I used to be the head-to-toe Bath & Body Works girl back then, but since I moved back to Jakarta I have enjoyed shopping and trying toiletries at my neighborhood supermarket. Most of them are affordable, so I can try different varieties.

I took inventory of the items on my bathroom, they are: Viva bengkoang mask, Viva air mawar, Viva belimbing milk cleanser, Citra green tea body lotion, Citra bengkoang white milk bath (I put it in an old BBW shower gel bottle), Pourvous sweet milk body scrub, Natur anti dandruff shampoo and Natur ginseng conditioner. The only one that’s not locally made is a bath sponge from BBW, simply because I still think that it last the longest (and way cheaper than The Body Shop’s).

It doesn’t take much to take the week’s pressure off my body. Half an hour of leisurely shower and variety of items from new and beloved local brands is all it takes. How about you? What is your weekend beauty routine, and what local brands do you use for hair, bath and body products? Do share with us, ladies!