
What We Recently Bought at MarketPlaza


Hanzky・20 Apr 2010


It’s not a secret anymore that our forum is a shopping Mecca. It’s not hard at all for most of us to refrain from shopping when we are at the mall because the real challenge is in our MarketPlaza. New stuff are uploaded everyday from various members, with various style and products which are not available here in Indonesia most of the time. Here’s the latest items that we have acquired through the MarketPlaza. Don’t forget to let us know your recent haul from there too..

Me: White chiffon blouse dari  sylvia.angelina di mini fashion sale. Brand new dan harganya Rp 130,000 saja..:D. Jatuhnya pas di badan dan ternyata ada liningnya, jadi biarpun warna putih tapi nggak transparan.

Deszell: Sass & Bide Jeans dari lapaknya Ibu Francis. Dari dulu waktu mereka pertama kali launching koleksi jeansnya, yang low rise hipster iconic sekali di Australia, kayaknya hampir semua orang punya. And since I’m trying to get back in jeans, I think boot cut would be a good start.

Lena: Banana Boat Sun Wear Faces Daily Sunblock Lotion, SPF 30 dari Lucy di mini beauty sale. Harga Rp115,000. Beli karena banyak yang recommend di thread sunblock dan beli di MarketPlaza karena nggak pernah nemu di toko di Indonesia.

Vanya: OPI – Alice in Wonderland Mini Set. Beli di lapak Lena seharga Rp 155,000. Alasan utama beli, karena belum muncul di Indonesia. Sedangkan gw udah pengen banget nyobain warna-warnanya. Alasan berikutnya, karena lebih murah pastinya 😀 OPI Mini Set di Indonesia dijual dengan harga Rp 270,000. And I love love love this set. *Sambil memandangi kuku glittery Absolutely Alice*

How about you?