
Forum Member In The Spotlight: Mamita, The Most Stylish Lecturer

beauty school

vanya・28 Dec 2009


Lita (or who we know as Mamita) is one inspiring woman. She can keep the balance life between taking care her husband and two children, working and actively participating in Fashionese Daily forum member since 2008, especially in Mommies Daily and makeup related thread.

We know that your work is related to finance/accounting and you are also a lecturer. But what exactly do you do and what/where do you teach? (Ada nggak sih mata kuliah pake Nail Polish apa hari ini? :p) 🙂

I was an editor for ten years. Then at 2006, I joined the Learning Center in the same office. Currently, my responsibility is running the trainings department. It means I am responsible for the curriculum and administrative thingy but also one of the lead facilitators (trainer) for audit trainings. So, actually they pay me for studying…. :). Most of my time was used for reading training materials, auditing and accounting literature, regulation, etc.

I am also a lecturer in University of Indonesia, Depok. My major is auditing. Yah… mau gimana lagi, cuma ngerti satu ilmu itu aja. Kecuali kalau nantinya akan dibuka kelas Today’s Nail Polish, mungkin saya bisa jadi assistant dosen untuk Lena dan Rere Phd … LOL

Sometime, I am also invited to give lecture for public accountants. I have to admit, this one is not as fun as the other two. I have to use a very formal language, gestures and outfit as most participants are experienced (read: old) auditors.

Funny thing about appearance, I like to tell my students that even we shouldn’t judge the book by its cover; it is what we normally do on our live. When I was still auditing, I need to look very professional to convince my clients about my expertise. So it won’t hurt if you present your best look. Dandan dan tampil wangi tidak berarti harus mahal. Tapi kalau kita “bertamu” dengan penampilan rapi, itu juga menunjukkan bahwa kita menghargai yang punya “rumah” kan?

Tell us a bit about your personal style

Now is more business casual. No need for three pieces suit anymore, except for lecturing in front of public accountants. For that one I have to use my conservative suit.

My daily attire will be pants (jarang pake rok ke kantor) with blouse. Not much on jewelry. Just my wedding ring, simple earrings which I got as birthday gift from my mother in laws and a watch. I love using black, brown or grey with a bit of bright color. I love heels. However since I have to move a lot when I am in class and we have a theater type classroom, I prefer to use kitten heels or flat shoes.

I do love makeup…. 🙂 even when I got high fever but had to come to the office to facilitate training, I would put some (banyak deng… :)).

Does FD have ever affected your life? (Stylewise and personally)

Do I mention that I love makeup? I think I should blame FD for this. You open my eyes TOO wide…. LOL

For me FD is a window to everything. To makeup, fashion, gossip, relationship, gadget, financial issue and the most I cherished is … friendship. I found some new best friends ever since I joined FD.

I never imagine that I can have so many friends with a lot similarity yet very different. I have friends that are years younger than me but we share the same love through makeup. It always fun chattering with them… 🙂

While we want to keep the forum organized and spam free, some people think we are too strict and don’t know how to have fun :p As a long active forum member, what do you think of the forum rules and regulations?

I believe in rules. We cannot live happily if there is no rule applied, can we?. Malah rasanya kurang nyaman masuk forum yang bebas sebebas-bebasnya. So rules are very important. With rules every members can have fun by not sacrificing each other.

As a mom, I know that applying rules doesn’t mean not loving your children. Rules will keep your babies save. I know (sok tau banget nggak sih?) that the moderators have similar thinking as me when introducing the rules…. 🙂

Five essential makeup you use for teaching? And what makeup that you CAN’T use when you’re working? (purple lips, maybe? :p)

Even I work on a very conservative industry, my boss and colleagues never bother with what I used. So if I feel like wearing purple lips or black nails, I just wear them. Yeah, they sometimes make comments but there are no office rules against what I wear.

So for now, my five essential makeup will be MAC Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation in NC 30, MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in light medium, MAC brush (182, 226, 239, etc), MUS H03 brush (as long as I’m using liquid foundation, this is the one), NARS blush (I have a weak heart for this… malu…)… eh cuma boleh 5 yah? nambah lagi boleh deh… LOL

Five essential fashion items you can’t live without?

I am not a fashion junkie. So my daily fashion will be limited to pants (mostly on dark colors…. Yes… it’s very boring… LOL), blouse (I like them on dark color with details or in color with simple cutting), working shoes, wedding ring, small earrings and watch.

Sometime I use scarf to spice-up the style a bit, yet it makes me warm. Buat ukuran kantor saya, kayak gini udah gaya banget… hehehe…

5 websites you check on daily basis?

Fashionesedaily, Mommiesdaily, my office web, mr Google (ada aja yg tiap hari di-google) and Twitter.

Speaking of which, I believe you know that we have just launched 2 sister sites, recently (mommiesdaily and famenframe) what do you think of them and what other things would you want us to improved?

Mommies Daily is one of my daily websites. I like it a lot. As a working mom, I live in constant dilemma on how to provide the best for my children. I will love to see more articles on bigger child, if I can ask…. 🙂

I like Fame N Frame too… it’s quite entertaining and funny. I never missed a good laugh (or at least a good smile) when read their articles.

Very good job on those two website. Is there new awaiting?

You’re one stylish lecture, kalo ngajar pun matanya berwarna warni. Pernah di underestimate nggak sih sama sesama dosen atau bahkan murid? You know lah kan kadang orang suka underestimate perempuan yang dandan dan gaya.

Nope. I am a mean teacher. Noooooo… just kidding. I always use things that are comfortable for me. FD, especially the forum and Kelas Dandan have thought me on how to appropriately use the colorful makeup. It always fun to see people react when they see me on blue eyes or yellow nails.

Sometimes I got comment from my colleagues or students. So far sih yang disampaikan masih yang baik-baik aja. Nggak tahu juga dalam hati nyebut apa… LOL

Oh iya, smokey eyes always appropriate to fierce more my already jutek face… 😉

Pernah ketemu murid sendiri kan di forum FD?..hihihi, gimana tuh rasanya?

Priceless. Kaget juga sih waktu pertama kali dikomen seseorang di FOTD kalau mengingatkan pada dosennya dulu. I try very hard to be not too “jaim” in class… bener-bener usaha keras…. 😀

To be honest, auditing is a very boring and technical subject that most students don’t have single clue what is this “animal” about. They need to have work experience to understand how auditing works. Therefore, I always respect every student who willingly come to my class. I’ll try to make the class very light by inserting jokes and anecdote. I hope, someday they will see auditor as their career option. Kalo belum-belum  udah ditakut2in nanti nggka ada yang mau jadi auditor deh… LOL

I also cannot be too “jaim” as in the future maybe some of my students decide to join my office (ini juga udah kejadian). Back then we wereteacher and student, now we are colleagues … 🙂

Thank you Mamita and I believe now you will go back to the forum (cough) market plaza 🙂