
Stop Using The Word 'Autis' in Your Daily Jokes!

editors note

Hanzky・24 Mar 2009


autism-ribbonThis post is totally unrelated to the glamorous side of fashion, but good manners and empathy are always in fashion, aren’t they? So we’re not too far off here. Besides, we have Editor’s Notes section where we can write just about anything. And this is something that I feel strongly about, so I just have to let it out.

Setiap harinya, pasti kita sering banget mendengar kata Autis, apalagi sejak wabah Blackberry melanda sekeliling kita. Banyak orang yang asik dengan Blackberrynya di tengah tengah keramaian dan seolah tidak perduli dengan sekitarnya, seperti salah satu gejala anak yang menderita penyakit autisme, mereka susah untuk berkomunikasi, tidak mempunyai minat untuk bersosialisasi dan seperti hidup di dunianya sendiri.

If my memory serves me right, I have never used the word ‘autis’ outside its correct context, I don’t have a reasoning behind it and never associate it with the disorder, I just don’t use it.. until last night when I saw Lita Mariana (I think she’s also an FD reader) status on Facebook that says “Mencela orang yang menggunakan istilah ‘autis’ dalam candanya. Tidak lucu. Tidak merendah hati. Tidak peka sosial. Ever think of being the parents of one?” That’s when it struck me the bigger picture of it that never occurred to me before.
